Effective Speaking
Did you know that public speaking is their #1 most feared thing next to death?!
Effective Speaking will help your child to gain the confidence it takes to get up in front of an audience and speak. Our goal is to prepare the cadets to make that dreaded class presentation... not so dreaded, or to prepare them for an interview for a job or for college/university.
Public speaking is a skill that is necessary for everyone at some point in their life.
In our class we will teach your child the 3 P's (prepare, prepare, prepare). We will also be introducing them to impromptu speeches using fun games as well as having the cadets critique each other.
Your child will learn the importance of voice projection, hand gestures, annunciation and eye contact when delivering their speeches.
The Red Deer Air Cadets Effective Speaking program is a fantastic program to help cadet face the fear of speaking in public in a fun, interactive way. Being able to speak publicly is such an important skill to learn and it great to see the cadets excel at it! We look forward to sharing this skill with your child!

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